many people in line and staff were slow and not helpful.
when i got the car, it was dirty and crashed before, i drove very carefully during the trip and quite sure i didn't hit anything,but i was charged GBP387.05 when i returned the car. the staff checked the car for over 20min and said there was a scratch in the bumper and one of the wheels,i wasn」t sure as i didn」t checkin details as the car was so dirty i wasn」t sure it was dirt or scratches. They spent lots of time in checking the car and preparing document,and I have to catch the flight and have no time to argue with them, I can only pay for what they charged me. It was a very bad experience,I travel to lots of places and it was the first time I met the staff will check the car in details like this,i was qutie sure they earn money with this but not from car rental fee. The car rental fee is cheap, but they will charge you back,maybe本当にありがとうエヴァンmore than you expected . < br / > < / p >
fast andイージー・
i got the car when、it was dirty and crashed before、i drove very carefully during the trip and quite sure i didn't hit anything,but i was charged GBP387.05 when i returned the car. the staff checked the car for over 20min and said there was a scratch in the bumper and one of the wheels,i wasn」t sure as i didn」t checkin details as the car was so dirty i wasn」t sure it was dirt or scratches. They spent lots of time in checking the car and preparing document,and I have to catch the flight and have no time to argue with them, I can only pay for what they charged me. It was a very bad experience,I travel to lots of places and it was the first time I met the staff will check the car in details like this,i was qutie sure they earn money with this but not from car rental fee. The car rental fee is cheap, but they will charge you back, maybe even more than you expected。
GREEN MOTION London Heathrow Airportの口コミ
many people in line and staff were slow and not helpful.
when i got the car, it was dirty and crashed before, i drove very carefully during the trip and quite sure i didn't hit anything,but i was charged GBP387.05 when i returned the car. the staff checked the car for over 20min and said there was a scratch in the bumper and one of the wheels,i wasn」t sure as i didn」t checkin details as the car was so dirty i wasn」t sure it was dirt or scratches. They spent lots of time in checking the car and preparing document,and I have to catch the flight and have no time to argue with them, I can only pay for what they charged me.
It was a very bad experience,I travel to lots of places and it was the first time I met the staff will check the car in details like this,i was qutie sure they earn money with this but not from car rental fee. The car rental fee is cheap, but they will charge you back,maybe本当にありがとうエヴァンmore than you expected . < br / > < / p >
fast andイージー・
It was a very bad experience,I travel to lots of places and it was the first time I met the staff will check the car in details like this,i was qutie sure they earn money with this but not from car rental fee. The car rental fee is cheap, but they will charge you back, maybe even more than you expected。
価格性能比が高い、車の調子がいい! 顧客は心の准備をして、Greenmotion策略の上で小さい疵に対して損傷して、高額の賠償を請求します。 幸いQeeqは価格性能比の高いSuperCover保険を持っていて、私はレンタカー会社の156ポンドを弁償した後、数日後に保険会社は私に1300元余りの人民元を返済した。
全体のユーザー体験が良く、各コーナー便利、使用とても便利。 提車店の選択には改善が必要です。例えば、私はロンドンで提車して、ずっと住所に近い店を選びたいと思っています。