Green Motionというレンタカー会社には、もう何と言っていいかわかりません。他に比べて断然お金を巻き上げようとしていると感じました。今まで外国で何度も車を借りたことがありますが、今回の経験は本当に最悪でした。レンタカー代は約200ポンドだったのに、返車後に約700ポンドも追加で請求されました。理由など全くありません。一つはタイヤに釘が刺さっているからといって260ポンドも請求されました。返車時はセルフ返車だったので、現場にスタッフはいませんでした。その後送られてきた写真を見ると、その釘は私たちが返車するまで刺さっていなかったことが明らかです。もし外で刺さっていたら、車は走れなかったでしょう。まるで地面に意図的に釘を撒いたような感じです。さらに、借りている間に5件の違反があったと言われましたが、交渉の結果2件は取消され、実際には3件の高速料金未払いの違反だけが残りました。しかし、車会社は総額420ポンドの違反管理費を請求してきました。実際の罰金は100ポンドほどでしたが、違反の管理費とは、その違反がどの予約の車で発生したかを確認するための費用だと言われました。つまり、コンピューターで確認するだけの簡単な作業に対して420ポンドも請求されたのです。最終的に確認した違反は3件だけだったのに、5件分の費用を払わされました。契約書を持ち出して説得されましたが、今回は仕方なく我慢しました。しかし、こんなあからさまに金を巻き上げる会社がQEEQのページに掲載されていることには本当に失望しました。QEEQを信頼して借りたのに、このようなことになるとは思いませんでした。今後は大手のレンタカー会社しか利用しないつもりです。契約書の細かい内容を見る人なんてほとんどいません。今回のレンタカー経験は本当に不愉快でした。もう二度とイギリスで車を借りたくありません。
many people in line and staff were slow and not helpful.
when i got the car, it was dirty and crashed before, i drove very carefully during the trip and quite sure i didn't hit anything,but i was charged GBP387.05 when i returned the car. the staff checked the car for over 20min and said there was a scratch in the bumper and one of the wheels,i wasn」t sure as i didn」t checkin details as the car was so dirty i wasn」t sure it was dirt or scratches. They spent lots of time in checking the car and preparing document,and I have to catch the flight and have no time to argue with them, I can only pay for what they charged me. It was a very bad experience,I travel to lots of places and it was the first time I met the staff will check the car in details like this,i was qutie sure they earn money with this but not from car rental fee. The car rental fee is cheap, but they will charge you back,maybe本当にありがとうエヴァンmore than you expected . < br / > < / p >
fast andイージー・
i got the car when、it was dirty and crashed before、i drove very carefully during the trip and quite sure i didn't hit anything,but i was charged GBP387.05 when i returned the car. the staff checked the car for over 20min and said there was a scratch in the bumper and one of the wheels,i wasn」t sure as i didn」t checkin details as the car was so dirty i wasn」t sure it was dirt or scratches. They spent lots of time in checking the car and preparing document,and I have to catch the flight and have no time to argue with them, I can only pay for what they charged me. It was a very bad experience,I travel to lots of places and it was the first time I met the staff will check the car in details like this,i was qutie sure they earn money with this but not from car rental fee. The car rental fee is cheap, but they will charge you back, maybe even more than you expected。
Green Motion London Heathrow Airportの口コミ
many people in line and staff were slow and not helpful.
when i got the car, it was dirty and crashed before, i drove very carefully during the trip and quite sure i didn't hit anything,but i was charged GBP387.05 when i returned the car. the staff checked the car for over 20min and said there was a scratch in the bumper and one of the wheels,i wasn」t sure as i didn」t checkin details as the car was so dirty i wasn」t sure it was dirt or scratches. They spent lots of time in checking the car and preparing document,and I have to catch the flight and have no time to argue with them, I can only pay for what they charged me.
It was a very bad experience,I travel to lots of places and it was the first time I met the staff will check the car in details like this,i was qutie sure they earn money with this but not from car rental fee. The car rental fee is cheap, but they will charge you back,maybe本当にありがとうエヴァンmore than you expected . < br / > < / p >
fast andイージー・
It was a very bad experience,I travel to lots of places and it was the first time I met the staff will check the car in details like this,i was qutie sure they earn money with this but not from car rental fee. The car rental fee is cheap, but they will charge you back, maybe even more than you expected。