many people in line and staff were slow and not helpful.
when i got the car, it was dirty and crashed before, i drove very carefully during the trip and quite sure i didn't hit anything,but i was charged GBP387.05 when i returned the car. the staff checked the car for over 20min and said there was a scratch in the bumper and one of the wheels,i wasn」t sure as i didn」t checkin details as the car was so dirty i wasn」t sure it was dirt or scratches. They spent lots of time in checking the car and preparing document,and I have to catch the flight and have no time to argue with them, I can only pay for what they charged me. It was a very bad experience,I travel to lots of places and it was the first time I met the staff will check the car in details like this,i was qutie sure they earn money with this but not from car rental fee. The car rental fee is cheap, but they will charge you back,maybe本当にありがとうエヴァンmore than you expected . < br / > < / p >
fast andイージー・
i got the car when、it was dirty and crashed before、i drove very carefully during the trip and quite sure i didn't hit anything,but i was charged GBP387.05 when i returned the car. the staff checked the car for over 20min and said there was a scratch in the bumper and one of the wheels,i wasn」t sure as i didn」t checkin details as the car was so dirty i wasn」t sure it was dirt or scratches. They spent lots of time in checking the car and preparing document,and I have to catch the flight and have no time to argue with them, I can only pay for what they charged me. It was a very bad experience,I travel to lots of places and it was the first time I met the staff will check the car in details like this,i was qutie sure they earn money with this but not from car rental fee. The car rental fee is cheap, but they will charge you back, maybe even more than you expected。
many people in line and staff were slow and not helpful.
when i got the car, it was dirty and crashed before, i drove very carefully during the trip and quite sure i didn't hit anything,but i was charged GBP387.05 when i returned the car. the staff checked the car for over 20min and said there was a scratch in the bumper and one of the wheels,i wasn」t sure as i didn」t checkin details as the car was so dirty i wasn」t sure it was dirt or scratches. They spent lots of time in checking the car and preparing document,and I have to catch the flight and have no time to argue with them, I can only pay for what they charged me.
It was a very bad experience,I travel to lots of places and it was the first time I met the staff will check the car in details like this,i was qutie sure they earn money with this but not from car rental fee. The car rental fee is cheap, but they will charge you back,maybe本当にありがとうエヴァンmore than you expected . < br / > < / p >
fast andイージー・
i got the car when、it was dirty and crashed before、i drove very carefully during the trip and quite sure i didn't hit anything,but i was charged GBP387.05 when i returned the car. the staff checked the car for over 20min and said there was a scratch in the bumper and one of the wheels,i wasn」t sure as i didn」t checkin details as the car was so dirty i wasn」t sure it was dirt or scratches. They spent lots of time in checking the car and preparing document,and I have to catch the flight and have no time to argue with them, I can only pay for what they charged me.
It was a very bad experience,I travel to lots of places and it was the first time I met the staff will check the car in details like this,i was qutie sure they earn money with this but not from car rental fee. The car rental fee is cheap, but they will charge you back, maybe even more than you expected。
GREEN MOTION London Heathrow Airportの口コミ
評価は安くて良いものがない、ベテラン運転手。国内で全危険を購入すると、車がないと言って、2駆は4駆に、ガソリン車はディーゼル車に乗り換える(私の前に車を持ってきたQeeqユーザーは車種のアップグレードを余儀なくされた)。基本的なリスクしか買わないと、危険なリスクや危険なリスクにさらされてしまいます。半分しか買いたくない場合は、検車のときに車に傷がついてしまい、賠償額がちょうど請求額に近づいてしまいます。証拠がないので私もでたらめを言うのはよくないが、経験が検車のときは必ず二人で検車員を付き添う(場合によっては2人)。教訓はレンタカーを借りて空港で大手企業の車を借りることだ。小さい会社の空港の外の車、不便は言いません、あちらこちらは穴だらけで、決してお金を節約しません、ほほほ、大きい会社の車を借りるより少なくとも2倍高いです。人生に馴染みがなく、言葉も通じないあなたは選んではいけません。< br / > < / p >
サービスのスピードが遅いので、一人で30 ~ 40分かかります。suvの車種を予約していないのに、レンタルの自働車は、なんとお金をプラスして手動のsuvを交換したことができて、更に良いですが開けることができて、もしできなければ彼らはどのように処理しますか?もう二人は車を乗り換えるしかなかった。大会社の車を借りなければならないみたいだし、そんなに悪いことはないし、サービスもいい。
ヒースロー空港のグリーン・モーションを選ぶのではなく、安い価格で人を引きつけるのだが、私と同じだと思わないので、初日のレンタカーを借りて、ロンドン旅行の気分を台無しにしてしまった。 他の大手レンタカー会社に比べて、GMはヒースローT3で無料シャトルバスを走らず、ナショナル・エクスプレス(1人当たり片道5ポンド、平均30分待ち、その日は60分待ったが、そのケースではないと聞いた)に乗る必要があった。車両の備蓄にも深刻な問題があり、私は他の外国人の車が先に戻ってくるのを待って2時間待った。僕が予定していたのはオートポロのクラスで、最後に最初に返してくれた車はオートポロV60の旅行版だったので、そのまま僕に与えてくれた。「無償アップグレード」で傷ついた心をなでてくれた。しかしそのハンドルの不正な欠陥に、私は検車の時に注意していなかったので、私は最初の二日間、少し走り潰れてしまった。とにかくいろいろと都合が悪い。