1. The staff is very impolite with customers−chatting with each other while check−in. It took us 50mins to get The process done. The staff with us kept on eating chips,joking with others while kept us waiting。
2. The staff kept on promoting insurance service, claiming The ready-set insurance from Zuzuche nothing covered, until we showed The print information on order from Zuzuche;then she on purpose slowed down all process−very obviously。
3. The staff add fees on purpose, not exactly The amount we booked from Zuzuche without explanation. we carefully checked The screen of digital information,then pushed her to revise and check. Or we would be over charged for more than 100USD Or more。
4. After the process done, the staff directly went away without telling us where to get the car. I have to ask again and again,then she said that she ` d told us the car isアンダーcleaning . totally unacceptable !she didn ` t say anything . i would say she is really rude and unfriendly。
I would keep my rights to send complaint directly to AVIS global complaint center−definitely she ruined my good impression on AVIS and I will encourage all friends not to book their cars ever−ifthey didn ` t respond and apologize。
AVIS can find the related staff name by our order number。
1 .スタッフを綿密にチェックをあなたの価格情報を確認し、署名を認めない発見しない;
3. EZ Pass(国内のETCに似ている)を借りる必要がないので、現金の支払いが便利です。後続差し押さえ費用が乱雑であり、課金が不明瞭である。
【席】:7 つ【ドア数】:4 つ 【AT】
【利用计划】:1名 9日レンタル
出発 : 2017年9月30日 (土) アメリカ · ニューヨーク · John F. Kennedy Intl Airport(JFK)
返却 : 2017年10月9日 (月) アメリカ · ニューヨーク · John F. Kennedy Intl Airport(JFK)
ライブチャットサービスがいい、これは米国第2次はっきりqeeqサービスを利用して、今度はもっとはっきりの案内や说明、ホームページに多くについてどう頑張れば、どうした料金所の説明が良い。 点が、私たちが完レンタカー手続き後一地方でよく相談したいコール、電話が鳴っ久々コールに応じ、希望の増加のアフターサービス人手
1、ファイトが自助の、我々だめにカードは、カードを挿してあったからzip code負けなければ、わからない、負けたのでは現金です。、カードです逢った二つの场合、一つは先にがんばって、もう一度、ガソリンスタンドの小さな店の支払いに大半が先に支払い、再給油、このの悪いところはまだ縫って応援時こそ知らないいくら加って満、加多恐れて溢れて来る、と加賀の後、タンクを见、またお金を加え、再加未満、我々がやっと加満3回を重ねてみた。停留所はとても探しやすくて、googleで沿道を検索したり、道路標識を見たりします 2、料金所、この糸を歩いている米東、だめ、電子pass穷游ネット攻略はこれまで见定める日本人賃貸料を得ずに、この道中の有料が多く、しかも人工有料サービスエリアごとに通路を覚えなければ赤いのロゴは、紫色のロゴが電子pass通路、千万歩くことができない。ちゃんと見て歩けばいいのです。私たちは見逃していません
AVIS New York JFK Airportの口コミ
1. The staff is very impolite with customers−chatting with each other while check−in. It took us 50mins to get The process done. The staff with us kept on eating chips,joking with others while kept us waiting。 2. The staff kept on promoting insurance service, claiming The ready-set insurance from Zuzuche nothing covered, until we showed The print information on order from Zuzuche;then she on purpose slowed down all process−very obviously。 3. The staff add fees on purpose, not exactly The amount we booked from Zuzuche without explanation. we carefully checked The screen of digital information,then pushed her to revise and check. Or we would be over charged for more than 100USD Or more。 4. After the process done, the staff directly went away without telling us where to get the car. I have to ask again and again,then she said that she ` d told us the car isアンダーcleaning . totally unacceptable !she didn ` t say anything . i would say she is really rude and unfriendly。 I would keep my rights to send complaint directly to AVIS global complaint center−definitely she ruined my good impression on AVIS and I will encourage all friends not to book their cars ever−ifthey didn ` t respond and apologize。 AVIS can find the related staff name by our order number。 VERY BAD SERVICE!!!!