We booked a compact SUV but was given an economy class Ford Fiesta. Didn\'t really noticed they were different class vehicles at that moment because We were already in confusion about the full zeroliability insurance we had purchased while the staff tried to convince us it still had a one thousand pound excess and we probably had to pay some more for a zero excess cover. Dragged on for a whilethen the staff proceeded with the procedures then finally told us we actually had full cover with zero excess. Took the car,on the road to Manchester then started to realize we actually paid for an Opel Crossland X…feeling ripped off. The good thing was when we returned The Fiesta at Edinburgh Airport we told The Avis guy about this and he recalculated The whole thing right away and gave us back more or less Theexcessive payment = . avis社needs more honest宇木→this one .満足
自分たちがクレジットカードで払って登録固まっ2.5ポンド(dartfird gc charge)橋が我々のカード会社は戸籍被せた後、戸籍avis社ボタンを繰り返して費我々に気付か処理後、通知avis社と彼らは当然橋の会社が我々に払い戻して彼らに払い戻しqeeq番努力を狭めて余りを経てavis社が減点省面倒なんて呼び払い戻し自分探し僑会社である不倫の決定に考えてもし減点現金で繰り返して橋を渡ったavis社数誰が直接ブリッジ会社を探して返金するべきなのか私達はレンタカー会社を確認するのは1つの不当な行為で最後に私達は更に面倒なことを避けるためにQeeqすべて自分でブリッジ会社を探して清算しました がどうしても整件の事件の発展はとてもありがとうレンタカー借り横から協力と手伝って谢
AVIS London Marriot Marble Archの口コミ
We booked a compact SUV but was given an economy class Ford Fiesta. Didn\'t really noticed they were different class vehicles at that moment because We were already in confusion about the full zeroliability insurance we had purchased while the staff tried to convince us it still had a one thousand pound excess and we probably had to pay some more for a zero excess cover. Dragged on for a whilethen the staff proceeded with the procedures then finally told us we actually had full cover with zero excess. Took the car,on the road to Manchester then started to realize we actually paid for an Opel Crossland X…feeling ripped off. The good thing was when we returned The Fiesta at Edinburgh Airport we told The Avis guy about this and he recalculated The whole thing right away and gave us back more or less Theexcessive payment = . avis社needs more honest宇木→this one .満足