i returned the car in when、オーランドfreeway customers before me、so i returned minutesレート5 . when i talked to the employee there、I was told it was not his business and passed me a number to call,that bad thing was I had to use my cell phone to call since he didn\'t allow me to use that land line there. When I made the first call, very nice agent,but for some reasons I had to call back in couple of hours when the over charges went thru. when I made second call, the agent was not nice at all,he only provided me an option to pay half day and get another half day refund, I did request for further investigation from management department,then hung up the phone without saying thanks. I called again right after, this time the agent was good,I was all set and advised to wait for a week to get refund after the investigation process finish. Great, money back!
Budget Miami International Airportの口コミ
ステルス消費あり!特別クレーター!ちゃんと言った後で署名させて更に指で消費の内容を遮って署名の所を指して署名させます!私の車を借りて全部で1300を使ってまた乱造してまた私の1000 !何だこれ!
long line to wait、more that 90 minutes .
i returned the car in when、オーランドfreeway customers before me、so i returned minutesレート5 . when i talked to the employee there、I was told it was not his business and passed me a number to call,that bad thing was I had to use my cell phone to call since he didn\'t allow me to use that land line there. When I made the first call, very nice agent,but for some reasons I had to call back in couple of hours when the over charges went thru. when I made second call, the agent was not nice at all,he only provided me an option to pay half day and get another half day refund, I did request for further investigation from management department,then hung up the phone without saying thanks. I called again right after, this time the agent was good,I was all set and advised to wait for a week to get refund after the investigation process finish. Great, money back!
レンタカーを借りた当日に多めの引き落としをして、こっそり保険をかけて強引に押し付けようとしていたのを見つけて、引き落としをしてしまったので、サービスはあまり良くなかった。 そして、実際のレンタカーの価格がQeeqでの価格に合わず、未だに解決されていません。
この4星qeeqのコール・センターには、たしかに方は比較的が担当する。 しかし、問題の処理速度がやや不安定で、今まで注文金額の問題が解決されていない。 でも、私はQeeqを選ぶかもしれません。しかし今回は本当にこのBUDGETのジャンク屋に沢山点数を取られました Qeeqのお客さんの多くが問題解決に協力してくれて感謝しています。