i returned the car in when、オーランドfreeway customers before me、so i returned minutesレート5 . when i talked to the employee there、I was told it was not his business and passed me a number to call,that bad thing was I had to use my cell phone to call since he didn\'t allow me to use that land line there. When I made the first call, very nice agent,but for some reasons I had to call back in couple of hours when the over charges went thru. when I made second call, the agent was not nice at all,he only provided me an option to pay half day and get another half day refund, I did request for further investigation from management department,then hung up the phone without saying thanks. I called again right after, this time the agent was good,I was all set and advised to wait for a week to get refund after the investigation process finish. Great, money back!
e tollレンタカー会社の使用、高速料金自動、骨に迷惑が多い。後で時間があれば、自分でSunpassしたほうがいいので、サービス料は無料です
Budget Miami International Airportの口コミ
未曾有の劣悪な体験を取り、車の列が2時間半の間、五三スタッフじれったいコーナーだけの仕事は、平均一人一人の手続きの時間は30 ~ 45分、従来は皆セールスしなければならないことが山ほどある保険や高速道路の料金など各種消費、スタッフも恐喝と言って買って高額保険なければいけない車を取り、これは彼らがここの法律では、ボランティアの購入と电话でコール・コミュニケーションの後に変え、望まない私をくじで車の単、疎通を経なかった私は一枚のサインは約70ドルの高速道路の料金の消費を含む私を拒否した後態度が劣悪で、高速道路を間違えると高額の罰金が課せられるということを改めて脅しました。このようなゴミサービスがなぜQeeqと協力できるのか分からないので、このゴミ会社の車を絶対に使わない!
空港のような高流量の店は、たった3つのカウンターを開いて、おしゃべりを缲り広げて、1時間半も併んでやっと列に着いた、アップグレードの車を売り込み続けて、告知もなしに勝手に保険をアップグレードして、幸いにもサインをしているところを発見された!みんなサインする前に必ず金額をチェックして! なお、受注車種グループはシボレーのImpala(国内のコンボイやクラウンクラスに相当)だが、現場ではパサート(コンボイ、カムリと同級)しか与えられていない。いい
long line to wait、more that 90 minutes .
i returned the car in when、オーランドfreeway customers before me、so i returned minutesレート5 . when i talked to the employee there、I was told it was not his business and passed me a number to call,that bad thing was I had to use my cell phone to call since he didn\'t allow me to use that land line there. When I made the first call, very nice agent,but for some reasons I had to call back in couple of hours when the over charges went thru. when I made second call, the agent was not nice at all,he only provided me an option to pay half day and get another half day refund, I did request for further investigation from management department,then hung up the phone without saying thanks. I called again right after, this time the agent was good,I was all set and advised to wait for a week to get refund after the investigation process finish. Great, money back!