Over my journey of 3 Hawaiian Islands (total of 10 days),I had an enjoyable and fast experience both in Big Island and Maui. I was however utterly intimidated how rude individual service attendants were. With simple questions,they could get customers fired up and get into unnecessary arguement. Attitude was really bad. These people - they know who they are. I am sure their Managers know too,but I am sure anything was done to such employees. I think a female one who got into a serious arguement with me was named "Sissy" or "Cecilia". Why could they not just answer question,or politely past on to someone to answer a questions, instead the answer I got was "I AM NOT GOING to HELP YOU!". And yes it was in THAT tone believe it or not. I was really taken。
Zuzuche should stop working with Alamo Oahu Airport, if they do not take serious action or disciplinary to 1 person (male) who checked me in on 03 Dec on my arrival. Rude!And 1 person (female) whom I asked at service counter on 13 Dec on my departure—the Manager / Supervisor got involved,but the involved female attendant still emphasized she did say "I AM NOT GOING TO HELP YOU". Who did she think she was?hilaryクリント・?
zuzuche is great !
don ' t rent at alamo oahu island honolulu airport . anywhere else isファイン—excellent service at the other 2、パリのi tried .本当に感じオアフ島という人種差別の疑いあるコンパニオンたちが!
会社のshuttle busはとても大きくて、出発点まで車で5分です。人が多くなく,仕事の能率がよい。
Over my journey of 3 Hawaiian Islands (total of 10 days),I had an enjoyable and fast experience both in Big Island and Maui. I was however utterly intimidated how rude individual service attendants were. With simple questions,they could get customers fired up and get into unnecessary arguement. Attitude was really bad. These people - they know who they are. I am sure their Managers know too,but I am sure anything was done to such employees. I think a female one who got into a serious arguement with me was named "Sissy" or "Cecilia". Why could they not just answer question,or politely past on to someone to answer a questions, instead the answer I got was "I AM NOT GOING to HELP YOU!". And yes it was in THAT tone believe it or not. I was really taken。 Zuzuche should stop working with Alamo Oahu Airport, if they do not take serious action or disciplinary to 1 person (male) who checked me in on 03 Dec on my arrival. Rude!And 1 person (female) whom I asked at service counter on 13 Dec on my departure—the Manager / Supervisor got involved,but the involved female attendant still emphasized she did say "I AM NOT GOING TO HELP YOU". Who did she think she was?hilaryクリント・?
zuzuche is great !